Skunkware 5
Skunkware 5.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
643 lines
/* Copyright (c) 1987, 1988 Stanley T. Shebs, University of Utah. */
/* This program may be used, copied, modified, and redistributed freely */
/* for noncommercial purposes, so long as this notice remains intact. */
#pragma comment(exestr, "@(#) input.c 12.1 95/05/09 ")
/* RCS $Header: input.c,v 1.4 88/07/20 15:03:51 shebs Exp $ */
/* To accommodate simultaneous movement by several players, our setup must */
/* be a little elaborate. Basically, the program keeps the initiative; */
/* when a side's movement phase needs input, it posts a "request" and a */
/* handler for that request. When X gets an event, data about it is */
/* preprocessed and then stuffed into the request structure. At the end */
/* of a movement subphase, the requests are fulfilled by calling the handler */
/* and passing it the side and a pointer to the request. */
/* The bad part about all this is that *every* *single* interaction must */
/* be handled this way - no more calling a routine to get a value and */
/* waiting until it is complete! :-( */
#include "config.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "dir.h"
#include "period.h"
#include "side.h"
#include "unit.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "map.h"
/* Magic values (unlikely to show up as player input) */
#define DFLTFLAG (-12345) /* flags when default arg to be used */
#define NEGFLAG (-12346) /* flags when default arg to be used */
#define ITERFLAG (-12347) /* flags args that are "itertime" */
#define ESCAPE '\033' /* standard abort character */
#define BACKSPACE '\010' /* for fixing strings being entered */
/* The following structure is used only for the dispatch table. */
typedef struct func_tab {
char fchar; /* character to match against */
int (*code)(); /* pointer to command's function */
int defaultarg; /* default for argument */
bool needunit; /* true if cmd always applies to a unit */
char *help; /* short documentation string */
} FuncTab;
extern int giventime; /* flags use of chess clock */
/* Predeclarations of all commands. */
int do_sentry(), do_delay(), do_wakeup(), do_wakemain(), do_embark(),
do_exit(), do_resign(), do_message(), do_follow(),
do_redraw(), do_flash(), do_disband(), do_return(),
do_sit(), do_product(), do_idle(), do_help(), do_version(),
do_save(), do_standing(), do_ident(), do_moveto(), do_coast(),
do_survey_mode(), do_unit_info(), do_printables(), do_occupant(),
do_options(), do_name(), do_unit(), do_give_unit(), do_center(),
do_mark_unit(), do_add_player(), do_patrol(), do_give(), do_take();
char dirchars[] = DIRCHARS; /* typable characters for directions */
/* The command table itself. Default iterations of ITERFLAG actually turn */
/* into the value of "itertime", which can be set by options cmd. */
FuncTab commands[] = {
's', do_sentry, ITERFLAG, TRUE, "put a unit on sentry duty",
'w', do_wakemain, 0, FALSE, "wake units up from whatever they were doing",
' ', do_sit, 1, FALSE, "(Space Bar) make unit be on sentry this turn only",
'r', do_return, 1, TRUE, "return unit to nearest city/transport",
'd', do_delay, 1, TRUE, "delay unit's move until later in turn",
'f', do_follow, ITERFLAG, TRUE, "follow a designated leader",
'm', do_moveto, 1, TRUE, "move to given location",
'z', do_survey_mode, 1, FALSE, "toggle between survey and move modes",
'a', do_occupant, 1, TRUE, "look at the occupants",
'e', do_embark, 1, TRUE, "embark units onto transport occupying same unit",
'x', do_mark_unit, 1, TRUE, "mark unit for later reference",
'g', do_give, -1, TRUE, "give supplies to the transport",
't', do_take, -1, TRUE, "take supplies from the transport",
'c', do_center, 1, FALSE, "designate current location as center of action",
'o', do_options, 5, FALSE, "set various options",
'p', do_printables, 1, FALSE, "put various data into files for printing",
'v', do_flash, 1, FALSE, "highlight current position",
' ', NULL, 0, 0, "",
'P', do_product, 1, TRUE, "set/change unit production",
'I', do_idle, ITERFLAG, TRUE, "set unit to not produce anything",
'W', do_wakeup, 0, FALSE, "wake ALL units in area, including occupants",
'D', do_disband, 1, TRUE, "disband a unit and send it home",
'F', do_coast, ITERFLAG, TRUE, "follow a coastline",
'Z', do_patrol, ITERFLAG, TRUE, "go on a patrol",
'O', do_standing, 1, TRUE, "set standing orders for occupants",
'G', do_give_unit, -2, TRUE, "turn unit over to another side",
'M', do_message, -2, FALSE, "send a message to other sides",
'C', do_name, 1, FALSE, "call a unit or side by a name",
'X', do_resign, -2, FALSE, "resign from the game",
'Q', do_exit, 1, FALSE, "kill game for all players",
'S', do_save, 1, FALSE, "save the game into a file",
'A', do_add_player, 1, FALSE, "add a new player to the game",
'?', do_help, 1, FALSE, "display help info",
'/', do_ident, 1, FALSE, "identify things on screen",
'=', do_unit_info, 1, FALSE, "display details about a type of unit",
'V', do_version, 1, FALSE, "display program version",
'\\', do_unit, 1, FALSE, "build a new unit (Build mode only)",
'\022', do_redraw, 1, FALSE, "(^R) redraw screen",
'\014', do_redraw, 1, FALSE, "(^L) redraw screen",
'\0', NULL, 0, FALSE, NULL /* end of table marker */
/* Just to get everything off on the right foot. */
Side *side;
side->reqvalue = DFLTFLAG;
/* Post a request - need only know the handler that will be called to */
/* fulfill the request later, and sometimes a relevant unit. */
request_input(side, unit, handler)
Side *side;
Unit *unit;
int (*handler)();
if (Debug) printf("Making %s request ", side->name);
if (!humanside(side)) fprintf(stderr, "Gack!\n");
if (!side->reqactive) {
if (Debug) printf("(accepted)\n");
side->reqactive = TRUE;
side->reqhandler = handler;
side->reqtype = GARBAGE;
side->requnit = unit;
/* any other data slots are setup by callers of this routine */
} else {
if (Debug) printf("(ignored)\n");
/* Make a request go away. Careful about using this! */
Side *side;
if (side->reqactive) {
if (Debug) printf("Canceling %s request\n", side->name);
side->reqactive = FALSE;
/* Handle all requests at once. This routine *will* wait forever for */
/* input (polling is evil). This is also the right place to draw the */
/* unit cursor, since it is unwanted unless we are waiting on input. */
bool waiters = FALSE;
Side *side;
for_all_sides(side) {
if (side->reqactive) {
waiters = TRUE;
/* wasteful to call this for everybody... */
if (side->info_change) {
side->info_change = FALSE;
if (side->cursor_change) {
side->cursor_change = FALSE;
if (waiters) {
for_all_sides(side) {
if (side->reqactive) {
if (side->reqtype != GARBAGE) {
if (Debug) printf("Answering %s request with inptype %d\n",
side->name, side->reqtype);
side->reqactive = FALSE;
/* Acquire a command from the player. Command may be prefixed with a */
/* nonnegative number which is given as an argument to the command function */
/* (otherwise arg defaults to value in third column of command table). */
/* This routine takes in both keyboard and mouse input, other kinds of */
/* devices should be handled here also (rriiiight...). Don't do any of */
/* this if the clock ran out, just supply an innocuous command. */
Side *side;
int dir, terr, sign = 1;
switch (side->reqtype) {
if (Debug) printf("%s keyboard input: %c (%d)\n",
side->name, side->reqch, side->reqvalue);
if (isdigit(side->reqch)) {
if (side->reqvalue == DFLTFLAG) {
side->reqvalue = 0;
} else if (side->reqvalue == NEGFLAG) {
side->reqvalue = 0;
sign = -1;
} else {
side->reqvalue *= 10;
side->reqvalue +=
(side->reqvalue >= 0 ? 1 : -1) * (side->reqch - '0');
side->reqvalue *= sign;
sprintf(side->promptbuf, "Arg: %d", side->reqvalue);
request_input(side, side->curunit, x_command);
} else {
if (Build && ((terr = find_terr(side->reqch)) >= 0)) {
if (side->reqvalue == DFLTFLAG) side->reqvalue = 0;
do_terrain(side, terr, side->reqvalue);
} else if (side->reqch == '-') {
side->reqvalue = NEGFLAG;
request_input(side, side->curunit, x_command);
} else if ((dir = iindex(side->reqch, dirchars)) >= 0) {
if (side->reqvalue == DFLTFLAG) side->reqvalue = 1;
do_dir(side, dir, side->reqvalue);
} else if ((dir = iindex(lowercase(side->reqch), dirchars)) >= 0) {
if (side->reqvalue == DFLTFLAG)
side->reqvalue = side->itertime;
if (side->mode == SURVEY) side->reqvalue = 10;
do_dir(side, dir, side->reqvalue);
} else {
execute_command(side, side->reqch, side->reqvalue);
case MAPPOS:
if (Debug) printf("%s map input: %d,%d (%d)\n",
side->name, side->reqx, side->reqy, side->reqvalue);
if (side->reqx == side->curx && side->reqy == side->cury) {
if (side->curunit && side->mode == MOVE)
do_sit(side, 1);
} else {
if (side->teach) {
cache_moveto(side, side->reqx, side->reqy);
} else {
switch (side->mode) {
case MOVE:
if (side->curunit) {
order_moveto(side->curunit, side->reqx, side->reqy);
side->curunit->orders.flags &= ~SHORTESTPATH;
side->info_change = TRUE;
case SURVEY:
move_survey(side, side->reqx, side->reqy);
case_panic("mode", side->mode);
if (giventime && !side->timedout && side->timeleft <= 0) {
side->timedout = TRUE;
notify(side, "You ran out of time!!");
/* Reset the arg so we don't get confused next time around */
side->reqvalue = DFLTFLAG;
/* The requester proper, which just sets up the hook to call the main */
/* command interpreter when some input comes by. */
Side *side;
request_input(side, side->curunit, x_command);
/* Search in command table and execute function if found, complaining if */
/* the command is not recognized. Many commands operate on the "current */
/* unit", and all uniformly error out if there is no current unit, so put */
/* that test here. Also fix up the arg if the value passed is one of the */
/* specially recognized ones. */
execute_command(side, ch, n)
Side *side;
char ch;
int n;
struct func_tab *cmd;
for (cmd = commands; cmd->fchar != '\0'; ++cmd) {
if (ch == cmd->fchar) {
if (n == DFLTFLAG) n = cmd->defaultarg;
if (n == NEGFLAG) n = 0 - cmd->defaultarg;
if (n == ITERFLAG) n = side->itertime;
if (Debug) printf("... actual arg is %d\n", n);
if (cmd->needunit) {
if (side->curunit != NULL) {
(*(cmd->code))(side, side->curunit, n);
} else {
cmd_error(side, "No unit to operate on here!");
} else {
(*(cmd->code))(side, n);
cmd_error(side, "Unknown command '%c'", ch);
/* Help for the main command mode just dumps part of the table, and a little */
/* extra info about what's not in the table. This may go onto a screen or */
/* into a file, depending on where this was called from. */
Side *side;
FuncTab *cmd;
wprintf(side, "To move a unit, use the mouse or [hlyubn]");
wprintf(side, "[HLYUBN] moves unit repeatedly in that direction");
wprintf(side, "Mousing unit makes it sit, mousing enemy unit attacks");
if (Build) wprintf(side, "Terrain characters set what will be painted.");
wprintf(side, " ");
for (cmd = commands; cmd->fchar != '\0'; ++cmd) {
wprintf(side, "%c %s", cmd->fchar, cmd->help);
/* The handler for unit production needs to make sure valid input has */
/* been received, will put in another request if not. */
Side *side;
int u;
if ((u = grok_unit_type(side)) >= 0) {
set_product(side->requnit, u);
side->info_change = TRUE;
} else {
request_input(side, side->requnit, x_product_type);
/* This is called when production is to be set or changed. Note that since */
/* the user has a pretty dull choice if there is only one possible type of */
/* unit to build, in such cases we can bypass requests altogether. */
Unit *unit;
int u;
Side *us = unit->side;
if (humanside(us)) {
sprintf(spbuf, "%s will build: ", unit_handle(us, unit));
u = ask_unit_type(us, spbuf, utypes[unit->type].make);
if (u < 0) {
make_current(us, unit);
request_input(us, unit, x_product_type);
} else {
set_product(unit, u);
us->info_change = TRUE;
} else {
set_product(unit, machine_product(unit));
/* Prompt for a type of a unit from player, maybe only allowing some types */
/* to be accepted. Also allow specification of no unit type. We do this */
/* by scanning the vector, building a string of chars and a vector of */
/* unit types, so as to be able to map back when done. */
ask_unit_type(side, prompt, possibles)
Side *side;
char *prompt;
short *possibles;
int numtypes = 0, u, type;
for_all_unit_types(u) {
side->bvec[u] = 0;
if (possibles == NULL || possibles[u]) {
side->bvec[u] = 1;
side->ustr[numtypes] = utypes[u].uchar;
side->uvec[numtypes] = u;
if (numtypes == 0) {
type = NOTHING;
} else if (numtypes == 1) {
type = side->uvec[0];
side->bvec[type] = 0;
} else {
side->ustr[numtypes] = '\0';
sprintf(side->promptbuf, "%s [%s] ", prompt, side->ustr);
draw_unit_list(side, side->bvec);
type = -1;
return type;
/* Do something with the char or unit type that the player entered. */
Side *side;
int i, type = -1;
switch (side->reqtype) {
echo_at_prompt(side, side->reqch);
if (side->reqch == '?') {
} else if (side->reqch == ESCAPE) {
type = NOTHING;
} else if (iindex(side->reqch, side->ustr) == -1) {
notify(side, "Unit type '%c' not in \"%s\"!",
side->reqch, side->ustr);
} else {
type = find_unit_char(side->reqch);
if (between(0, side->requtype, period.numutypes-1) &&
side->bvec[side->requtype]) {
type = side->requtype;
} else {
notify(side, "Not a valid unit type!");
if (type >= 0) {
for_all_unit_types(i) side->bvec[i] = 0;
draw_unit_list(side, side->bvec);
return type;
/* User is asked to pick a position on map. This will iterate until the */
/* space bar designates the final position. */
ask_position(side, prompt)
Side *side;
char *prompt;
sprintf(side->promptbuf, "%s [mouse or keys to move, space bar to set]",
side->tmpcurx = side->curx; side->tmpcury = side->cury;
side->tmpcurunit = side->curunit;
/* Restore the saved "cur" slots. */
Side *side;
if (side->curx != side->tmpcurx || side->cury != side->tmpcury)
side->cursor_change = TRUE;
side->curx = side->tmpcurx; side->cury = side->tmpcury;
side->curunit = side->tmpcurunit;
/* Interpret the user's input in response to a position request. All we */
/* have to comprehend is direction keys and mouse hits. Space bars and */
/* unmoving mice both mean that a position has been decided on. */
Side *side;
int dir;
switch (side->reqtype) {
if (side->reqch == ' ') {
return TRUE;
} else if ((dir = iindex(side->reqch, dirchars)) >= 0) {
side->reqposx = wrap(side->reqposx + dirx[dir]);
side->reqposy = side->reqposy + diry[dir];
} else if ((dir = iindex(lowercase(side->reqch), dirchars)) >= 0) {
side->reqposx = wrap(side->reqposx + 10*dirx[dir]);
side->reqposy = side->reqposy + 10*diry[dir];
case MAPPOS:
if (side->reqx == side->reqposx && side->reqy == side->reqposy) {
return TRUE;
} else {
side->reqposx = side->reqx; side->reqposy = side->reqy;
if (side->curx != side->reqposx || side->cury != side->reqposy)
side->cursor_change = TRUE;
side->curx = side->reqposx; side->cury = side->reqposy;
side->curunit = NULL;
return FALSE;
/* Prompt for a yes/no answer with a settable default. */
ask_bool(side, question, dflt)
Side *side;
char *question;
bool dflt;
sprintf(side->promptbuf, "%s [%s]", question, (dflt ? "yn" : "ny"));
side->reqvalue2 = dflt;
/* Figure out what the answer actually is, keeping the default in mind. */
Side *side;
bool dflt = side->reqvalue2;
char ch = side->reqch;
if (side->reqtype == KEYBOARD) {
if (dflt ? (lowercase(ch) == 'n') : (lowercase(ch) == 'y'))
dflt = !dflt;
return dflt;
/* Prompt for a single character. */
ask_char(side, question, choices)
Side *side;
char *question, *choices;
sprintf(side->promptbuf, "%s [%s]", question, choices);
/* The char has already been processed, so just pass it through. */
Side *side;
if (side->reqtype == KEYBOARD) {
return side->reqch;
} else {
return '\0';
/* Read a string from the prompt window. Deletion is allowed, and a */
/* cursor is displayed (this should definitely be a toolkit call...) */
/* Some restrictions on what strings can be read - for instance can't */
/* read or default to a NULL string. */
ask_string(side, prompt, dflt)
Side *side;
char *prompt, *dflt;
if (dflt == NULL) {
sprintf(side->promptbuf, "%s ", prompt);
} else {
sprintf(side->promptbuf, "%s (default \"%s\") ", prompt, dflt);
side->reqstrbeg = strlen(side->promptbuf);
side->reqcurstr = side->reqstrbeg;
side->reqdeflt = dflt;
/* Dig a character from the filled-in request and add it into the string. */
/* Keep returning NULL until we get something. */
char *
Side *side;
if (side->reqtype == KEYBOARD) {
if (side->reqch == '\r' ||
side->reqch == '\n' ||
side->reqcurstr >= BUFSIZE-2) {
if (side->reqcurstr == side->reqstrbeg && side->reqdeflt != NULL) {
strcpy(side->promptbuf+side->reqstrbeg, side->reqdeflt);
} else {
(side->promptbuf)[side->reqcurstr] = '\0';
return copy_string(side->promptbuf + side->reqstrbeg);
} else {
if (side->reqch == BACKSPACE) {
if (side->reqcurstr > side->reqstrbeg) --side->reqcurstr;
} else {
echo_at_prompt(side, side->reqch);
(side->promptbuf)[side->reqcurstr++] = side->reqch;
(side->promptbuf)[side->reqcurstr+1] = '\0';
return NULL;